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Option A

30,000 EGP
Cabin Dimensions (cm) 120 W x 235 H x 1 L
Tank Dimensions(cm) 1 Wx 60 Hxl 35
Pump Motor Voltage 220 V
Structure Components Cladding , Polycarbonate , Vinyl
lighting 2 spot lights
Spray Disinfection Time 3 Seconds standard and containtimer to Control sterilization time
Spray Outlets 5 Nozzle Heads
Sensors 1 Sensors (Entrance and Hand Sanitizer Machine)
Tank Capacity 40 Liters
Liquid Consumption (per person) 30 ml
Price 30,000 L.E
Payment Terms 50% upon signitture - 25% during operation- 25% upon Delivery
Production time 7 days
Sterile Substance Price 1 Liter - 500 L.E (1 liter with 400 liter Water) 5 cm per 20 litter
The Prices Exclude transportation and tax 5% Discount in case buy 5 cabins - 10% Discount in case buy 10 cabins Note : Sterile Substance Price excluded sterilization booth price

Option B

19,500 EGP
Cabin Dimensions (cm) 1 W x 240 H x 1 L
Tank Dimensions(cm) 1Wx 60 Hxl35
Pump Motor Voltage 220 V
Structure Components Sprayed Metal sheet electrostatic
Spray Disinfection Time 4 Seconds standard and containtimer to Control sterilization time
Spray Outlets 4 Nozzle Heads
Sensors 1 Sensors Entrance
Tank Capacity 40 Liters
Liquid Consumption (per person) 50 ml
Price 19,500 L.E
Payment Terms 50% upon signitture - 25% during operation- 25% upon Delivery
Production time 7 days
Sterile Substance Price 1 Liter - 500 L.E (1 liter with 400 liter Water) 5 cm per 20 litter
The Prices Exclude transportation and tax 5% Discount in case buy 5 cabins - 10% Discount in case buy 10 cabins Note : Sterile Substance Price excluded sterilization booth price

Option C

18,000 EGP
Cabin Dimensions (cm) 120 W x 225H x 150 L
Tank Dimensions(cm) 100Wx60Hxl35
Pump Motor Voltage 220 V
Structure Components Iron metal ,Polycarbonate ,Vinyl
Spray Disinfection Time 4 Seconds standard and containtimer to Control sterilization time
Spray Outlets 4 Nozzle Heads
Sensors 1 Sensors Entrance
Tank Capacity 20 Liters
Liquid Consumption (per person) 50 ml
Price 18,000 L.E
Payment Terms 50% upon signitture - 25% during operation- 25% upon Delivery
Production time 7 days
Sterile Substance Price 1 Liter - 500 L.E (1 liter with 400 liter Water) 5 cm per 20 litter
The Prices Exclude transportation and tax 5% Discount in case buy 5 cabins - 10% Discount in case buy 10 cabins Note : Sterile Substance Price excluded sterilization booth price

Option D

13,000 EGP
Cabin Dimensions (cm) 1 W x 225 H x 1 L
Tank Dimensions(cm) 70Wx60Hxl35
Pump Motor Voltage 220 V
Structure Components Iron metal ,Wooden sheet ,Vinyl
Spray Disinfection Time 3 Seconds standard and containtimer to Control sterilization time
Spray Outlets 3 Nozzle Heads
Sensors 1 Sensors (Entrance and Hand Sanitizer Machine)
Tank Capacity 20 Liters
Liquid Consumption (per person) 40 ml
Price 13,000 L.E
Payment Terms 50% upon signitture - 25% during operation- 25% upon Delivery
Production time 7 days
Sterile Substance Price 1 Liter - 500 L.E (1 liter with 400 liter Water) 5 cm per 20 litter
The Prices Exclude transportation and tax 5% Discount in case buy 5 cabins - 10% Discount in case buy 10 cabins Note : Sterile Substance Price excluded sterilization booth price

Elavo Detergents

120 EGP
منظف ايدى ذو رائحة مميزة و رغوة وفيرة يستخدم لتنظيف الوجه والايدى يحتوى على مواد منعمة للبشرة و متوفر فى

Elavo Detergents

82 EGP
منظف صناعي سائل عالي التركيز وذو رغوة وفيرة ورائحة مميزة ويستخدم بفاعلية لتنظيف الاوانى والارضيات والحوائط ويحافظ على نعومة الايدى

Elavo Detergents

112 EGP
منظف افران ذو تركيبة متطورة يحتوى على نسبة عالية من المواد المذيبة للشحوم والدهون للبوتجازات والمراوح والشوايات والأسطح والسيراميك متوفر فى

Elavo Detergents & Antiseptic

247 EGP
سائل مطهر ومنظف يزيل الروائح الكريهة ويترك رائحة مطهرة ويعمل على ابادة الجراثيم والفطريات بقدرة فائقة لما يحتوية من مواد



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